Chiara Gai
Chiara Gai received the PhD in Medical Physiopathology at the Doctoral School of Health and Life Science, at the University of Turin. She worked in the field of inflammation and angiogenesis, diabetes, regenerative medicine, cell and stem cell biology. After some years as a Post-doctoral fellow at University of Turin in the laboratories of Renal Immunopathology and Physiopathology of Atherosclerosis, she co-founded the start-up EvoBiotech in 2019 with Prof. G. Camussi, Dr. M. C. Deregibus, and Dr. M.A.C. Pomatto. She is currently R&D project manager at EvoBiotech, developing a platform for wound care and drug delivery based on plant-derived extracellular vesicles. She is dedicated to the development of a large-scale production method of plant-derived extracellular vesicles.