OH-Boost Symposium 2023
The ERA chair of comparative medicine (Combivet) will hold their annual joint scientific symposium on 28th of February in Tartu, Estonia. The symposium will be held in full physical attendance format.
The conference will take place in Tartu at KREUTZWALDI 1a, TARTU, ESTONIA.
The conference will take place in Tartu at KREUTZWALDI 1a, TARTU, ESTONIA.
28th February
9.00- 9.10 |
Ülle Jaakma ( Rector, EMU) |
Welcome to Tartu |
9.10- 9.20 |
Alireza Fazeli (Coordinator , OH-Boost) |
Welcome and Overview of OH-Boost |
9.20-9.30 |
Toomas Tiirats (Director, IVMAS ,EMU) |
Introduction to IVM&AS EMU, Estonia |
9.30-9.40 |
Anti Kalda ( Vice Dean, FoM, UT) |
Introduction to UT Medical School |
9.40 – 10.00 |
Tiziana Brevini, UniM |
UniMi, a short introduction |
10.00-10.20 |
Topi Tanskanen ,UH |
Introduction to Onehealth, University of Helsinki, Finland |
10.20-10.50 |
Coffee Break |
10.50-11.10 |
Tiziana Brevini,UniM |
One Health, Tree Dimensions |
11.10-11.30 |
Fulvio Gandolfi,UniM |
FISH-AI: the long and winding road towards an artificial intestine |
11.30-12.00 |
Heli Simojoki, UH |
TBD – on science they do |
12.00-12.30 |
Niku Mikael,UH |
TBD – on science they do |
12.30 -13.30 |
Lunch Break |
Ten Minutes Talk + 5 Minutes Questions |
Speed Talks on Postgraduate Studies & Research of the Estonian Partners of OH-Boost |
13.30 onwards |
Aavo Lang, FoM,UT |
Post graduate study programme in UT |
Andres Valdmann , IVMAS, EMU |
Post graduate study programme in EMU |
Alireza Fazeli, IVMAS, EMU |
Extracellular Vesicles research in Tartu |
Arvo Viltrop, IVMAS, EMU |
Research activities of the Chair of Veterinary Biomedicine and Food Hygien |
Toomos Orro, IVMAS, EMU |
TBD : On research |
Madis Levitis, IVMAS, EMU |
Wildlife health in Estonia - where do we stand |
Radko Avi , FoM,UT |
Medical Virology Research Group in University of Tartu |
Anti Vasemägi/ Kristina Noreikienė, EMU |
One health through the aquatic prism: linking pathogens, (cray)fish and their changing environment. |
Vallo Volke, FoM,UT |
TBD : On research |
Tanel Tenson, IT,UT |
Antibiotic resistance as One Health problem |
Mati Roasto / Mihkel Mäesaar, IVMAS,EMU |
Food hygiene and -safety research in EMU |
Meelis Ots, IVMAS, EMU |
TBD : On research |
15.30-16.00 |
Coffee Break |
16.00 onwards |
Tarmo Niine, IVMAS, EMU |
Usage of subcutaneous temperature sensors in combination with machine learning for detecting fever in dairy calves |
David Arney, IVMAS, EMU |
TBD : On research |
Aleksandr Semjonov, IVMAS, EMU |
TBD : On research |
19.30 |
Networking Dinner |
( By registration and Invitation ) |