On 28.03.2023 we conducted a public presentation about dairy cows and their living on the farm in Estonia.
Do you know what you have to do every day to get the milk to the store? Is getting milk in a package that easy? How can scientists help to make the life of a dairy cow easier on the farm and at the same time ensure the availability of milk for the Estonian people? All of these questions got answers from our presenter and the event was very well received by the public. Three members of the COMBIVET group visited the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research, Polish Academy of Sciences in Olsztyn in early March. Signe Parts, Omid Reza Mousavi and Kasun Godakumara characterized various extracellular vesicle samples using transmission electron microscopy under the guidance of Prof. Aneta Andronowska, institute Professor, Hormonal Action Mechanisms.
The ERA chair of comparative medicine (Combivet) held their annual joint scientific symposium on 28th of February in Tartu, Estonia. The symposium was be held in full physical attendance format.