The Baltic-German University Liaison Office awarded a competitive small research grant to the COMBIVET & OH-BOOST researchers to conduct collaborative research with Federal Research Institute of Animal Health in Mariensee, Germany. The grant will provide initial funding to carry out the research on “Impact of extracellular vesicles present in uterine fluid of cows with endometritis on in vitro embryo development” and exchange of researchers between Estonian University of Life Sciences and the German Institute. The funding will enhance research on effect of extracellular vesicles on embryo development, host pathogen interactions and further collaboration with the laboratory of Prof Claudia Klein of the Federal Research Institute of Animal Health in Mariensee, Germany. Moreover, the funding will help to disseminate the project outcomes with the various stakeholders in the animal production industry and the public.
Read more about the grant: This project of the Baltic-German University Liaison Office is supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with funds from the Foreign Office of the Federal Republic Germany. Comments are closed.